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Extractions & Bone Grafts

Our team makes every effort to preserve your natural teeth. However, extractions are necessary when decay has made the tooth unsalvageable or when you have advanced periodontal disease. Depending on which tooth is removed, we can offer you a replacement in the form of a dental implant or oral prosthetic.

Over a period of time after a tooth is extracted, the jaw will resorb as it heals. This leaves the jaw as a poor platform for a dental implant. Dr. Patel will place a bone graft in the area where a tooth has been extracted to provide a framework for the bone to heal around. The surrounding bone will merge with the bone graft to create a solid foundation for a dental implant.

What should I expect during an extraction procedure?

Dr. Patel will numb the patient with local anesthesia. Once the tooth and the surrounding areas are numb, Dr. Patel uses specialized instruments to elevate the tooth out of the socket. The post-op instructions will be reviewed with you in detail at the end of the procedure. Written post-op instructions will also be provided. If a prescription is necessary, Dr. Patel will have the script sent to the pharmacy of your choice.

How long is the healing process?

The extraction socket typically heals in 4 to 6 weeks and normally no further treatment is necessary. However, the gap will remain where the tooth used to reside. Neighboring teeth might shift and the opposing tooth may move as well. If a bone graft is placed, the area will need at least 3 months of adequate healing time. Dr. Patel will examine the healed site and advise you about different teeth replacement options.